What is SnowPhyll?
SnowPhyll is a combination of "Chlorophyll Powder" and "Snow Algae" added with Mulberry leaves, Stevia, Lemon extract and Obligosacharides.
What is Chlorophyll?
- Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the plants which often described as the "green blood of plants" due to the fact that it is very similar in chemical structure to the Haemoglobin that is found in human blood.
- It was extracted from leafy green vegetables and can be in the form of powder or liquid.
- One of the many benefits of taking chlorophyll includes, helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells. Boosting our energy and increase our well being almost instantly.
What is Snow Algae??
- Pure Snow Alage are extracted from the extremophile algae found on the swiss mountains. Years of researching scientists from Mibelle BioChemistry found that Snow Algae contains a potent phyto substance that mimics the effect of calorie restriction. This way is able to improve the longevity of the cells.
- The main benefit of red algae is its ability to promote healthy circulations in your body, regulates your blood sugar levels and lover bad cholesterol levels since it is high in dietary fiber. It is also a rich source of calcium and magnesium so it contributes to bone health and since it is loaded with antioxidants, it help boost your immune system and nourishes your skin.
What is Mulberry leaves extract??
- It is also packed with powerful antioxidant that are known to help decrease damages caused by free radicals and body cells against the oxidative stress , various minerals and extracts such as beta-carotene, GABA-1, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, chlorophyll, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, A and fiber
- Mulberries contains alkaloids that activate macrophages are white blood cells that stimulate the immune system, putting it on high active alert against health threats.
- Supports healthy blood sugar levels.
- Resists redness. Chinese practitioners have used mulberry as remedy for swelling and redness.
Combining these 3 major ingredients, Now you know why you should take SnowPhyll???
Major Benefits of SnowPhyll:
Snow Algae Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden food such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air -borne carcinogens. It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as procarcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals carcinogenesis and food and chemical texicology had clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis and further research showing chlorophyll as being cancer-preventative. Researchers at Oregon state University also concluded; "At Cancer rates revelent to humans, chlorophyll was strongly protective. Great stuff with snow Algae pure combination.2.Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory:
Containing high amount of the vitamins A, C and E, Snow Algae chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.
3.Chelation of Heavy Meals:
Snow Algae chlorophyll is one of the most important Chelates in nature . It is ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metal such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer.
4.Treats Bad Breath:
This one is a real bonus and really works . Snow Algae Chlorophyll has a double action remedy for bad breath. Firstly , as a deodorizer, it will eliminate odors in the mouth and throats, but secondary it promotes a healthy digestive tract- which is the primary reason for bad breath.
5.Wound Healing and Antiseptic:
While Snow Algae chlorophyll does not actually antiseptic properties of its own, it quite remarkably, does have the ability to aid our body tissue in destroying germ, it prevents growth of bacteria. Research also suggests that chlorophyll greatly assists in wound healing and prevention of reinfection.
6.Rapid Delivery of Magnesium:
Snow Algae chlorophyll is rich in magnesium , which is highly alkaline mineral . Magnesium is super important as it helps to deliver much needed oxygen to the cells and tissues, bones formations, nerve and muscle function etc.
7.Contains vitamin k, c, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein:
Which are also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.
8.Managing Blood Sugar & Weight Loss:
Has the ability to prevent blood sugars spikes and inhibit sugar digestion, sugar digestion, suppresses carving and prevents fat from being made. It does not use sugar instead STEVIA (natural sweetener) is used.
Who should take SnowPhyll:
1.People who wish to discharge toxin through the faces.
2.People who wish to balance body acid-alkali level.
3.People who wish to reduce pesticides residue and toxin.
4.People who wish to have excellent source of nutrients.
5.People who wish to increase blood counts.
6.People who wish to boost the immune system.
7.People who wish to increase oxygen supply in the blood.
8.People who wish to reduce wrinkles and aging.
Usage Recommendation:
1. Add 1.sachet of SnowPhyll into 500ml water (Preferable use water bottle or any water flask)
2. The water can either be cold or at room temperature
3. Shake or stir till dissolve
4. Consume 1x in the morning ( 30 min before breakfast) and 1x in the evening (before bed time)
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